[Copypasta] I hardly ever watch twitch anymore

twitchquotes: I hardly ever watch twitch anymore, and it’s mostly because of cringe chat. All you do is copy and paste the same things or constantly repeat the same stupid emotes in response to everything. So predictable and annoying
twitch chat
September 2020
(β–€ΜΏΔΉΜ―β”œβ”¬β”΄β”¬β”΄ Psst... kid, you wanna disable adblock?
More Copypastas

Please use the code Tempo to save 3% off...

twitchquotes: BibleThump Andrey Yanuk otherwise known as Reynad has passed away this Saturday's afternoon. He was ambushed by a group of dongers in an alley, and stabbed with a kniferino made out of a salt shaker. His last words were "please use the code "Tempo" to save 3% off the funeral costs and bury me in my tempostorm tshirt". Rest in peace pepperoni cappuccino pistachio bro. You shall be missed. Please no copy pasterino cappuccino
twitch chat
November 2015


I'm so glad to be in the other 1 percent

twitchquotes: They say 9 out of 10 twitch users are dumb. I'm so glad to be in the other 1 percent
twitch chat
November 2014



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April 2016




twitchquotes: Clearly one of the largest, most daunting issues we face in modern day society is the threat of losing our rich culture of GLORIOUS MEMES which will be abandoned, lost, fogotten, and misunderstood in the future. We must enjoy the memes while they're still here to be embraced. VIVA LE MEME ΰΌΌ ぀ β—•_β—• ༽぀
twitch chat
February 2015

Why are we whispering

twitchquotes: ΰΊˆΩ„ΝœΰΊˆ Κ·Κ°ΚΈ ᡃʳᡉ ʷᡉ ʷʰ˒ᡖᡉʳⁿᡍ ΰΊˆΩ„ΝœΰΊˆ
twitch chat
August 2014
Riot Games
Text-to-Speech Playing