No Friends BibleThump 👍 No Girlfriend BibleThump 👍 Spending New Year on Twitch Chat BibleThump 👍 Must be us chat BibleThump
Kripp from the future
twitchquotes: HEY ITS KRIPP FrOM the future here trying to tell you to stop playing this childrens game while you can. IF NOT you will play this game for 40 years in a row and it will take a toll on your health. i have been declared clinacly insane and have been staying at a looney bin forced to eat meat everyday
BibleThump HEY ITS KRIPP FrOM the future here trying to tell you to stop playing this childrens game while you can. IF NOT you will play this game for 40 years in a row and it will take a toll on your health. i have been declared clinacly insane and have been staying at a looney bin forced to eat meat everyday BibleThump
(▀̿Ĺ̯├┬┴┬┴ Psst... kid, you wanna disable adblock?
Kripp has NEVER said "I LOVE YOU" to chat
twitchquotes:Kripp has NEVER said "I LOVE YOU" to chat. We've been with him for 2+ years and he doesn't have the guts to say it. Or maybe he doesn't even really care about us after all we've been through. If Kripp doesn't say "I love you" to us chat, then I think it's time we leave him until he realizes how important we are..
Kripp has NEVER said "I LOVE YOU" to chat. We've been with him for 2+ years and he doesn't have the guts to say it. Or maybe he doesn't even really care about us after all we've been through. If Kripp doesn't say "I love you" to us chat, then I think it's time we leave him until he realizes how important we are.. BibleThump
Spending New years eve on twitch BibleeThump
twitchquotes:No job ✔ Mom's house ✔ No talents ✔ No gf ✔ No friends ✔ No midnight kiss ✔ Spending New years eve on twitch ✔ Must be us
No job ✔ BibleThump Mom's house ✔ BibleThump No talents ✔ BibleThump No gf ✔ BibleThump No friends ✔ BibleThump No midnight kiss ✔ BibleThump Spending New years eve on twitch ✔ BibleThump Must be us BibleThump
twitchquotes:HAND OVER THE MEMES (⌐■_■)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿ \ / I'M CLEAN ̿' ̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=(̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)̄
twitchquotes: Andrey Yanuk otherwise known as Reynad has passed away this Saturday's afternoon. He was ambushed by a group of dongers in an alley, and stabbed with a kniferino made out of a salt shaker. His last words were "please use the code "Tempo" to save 3% off the funeral costs and bury me in my tempostorm tshirt". Rest in peace pepperoni cappuccino pistachio bro. You shall be missed. Please no copy pasterino cappuccino
BibleThump Andrey Yanuk otherwise known as Reynad has passed away this Saturday's afternoon. He was ambushed by a group of dongers in an alley, and stabbed with a kniferino made out of a salt shaker. His last words were "please use the code "Tempo" to save 3% off the funeral costs and bury me in my tempostorm tshirt". Rest in peace pepperoni cappuccino pistachio bro. You shall be missed. Please no copy pasterino cappuccino
Kripp has contracted Casualitis
twitchquotes:The average length of Kripp's stream has decreased over the past 3 years from an average length of 11 hours to the current average of 5 hours. In 2 more years, Kripp will stream for 0 hours. What's the cause? Sources say Kripp has contracted a terminal illness - Casualitis. Soon he will join Katarrian in Heaven.
The average length of Kripp's stream has decreased over the past 3 years from an average length of 11 hours to the current average of 5 hours. In 2 more years, Kripp will stream for 0 hours. What's the cause? Sources say Kripp has contracted a terminal illness - Casualitis. Soon he will join Katarrian in Heaven. BibleThump
Hi I 15 year old somalian rhinoceros
twitchquotes: hi I 15 year old somalian rhinoceros i need surgery for gud horn pls send money to my owner nigerian prince pls no pasterino my story
BibleThump hi I 15 year old somalian rhinoceros i need surgery for gud horn pls send money to my owner nigerian prince pls no pasterino my story BibleThump
Why is Kripp punching his subscribers?
twitchquotes:Why is Kripp punching his subscribers? I won't sub cause I'm afraid he will punch me too
Why is Kripp punching his subscribers? BibleThump I won't sub cause I'm afraid he will punch me too BibleThump
I used to be a real ad
twitchquotes:CHOCOLATE RAIN, hobgoblin into chicken wins the game, CHOCOLATE RAIN, turn one coin in missles, Kripp is slain, CHOCOLATE RAIN, fireball the face and feel the pain, CHOCOLATE RAIN, sacrifice the raptor, all in vain, CHOCOLATE RAIN, Kripp that wrecking of Tay was inhumane
CHOCOLATE RAIN, hobgoblin into chicken wins the game, CHOCOLATE RAIN, turn one coin in missles, Kripp is slain, CHOCOLATE RAIN, fireball the face and feel the pain, CHOCOLATE RAIN, sacrifice the raptor, all in vain, CHOCOLATE RAIN, Kripp that wrecking of Tay was inhumane BibleThump
Times change...
twitchquotes:Laying on the ground, devastated by the news my beloved Kripp has joined TSM, a hooded figure approaches, kneels down, grabs me by the shoulder. “This was not his destiny.” I said, holding back the tears. I look up, the stranger removes his hood and looks me in the eye, “Times Change…” says Trump, as he pushes me to the ground. This wasn’t supposed to happen.
Laying on the ground, devastated by the news my beloved Kripp has joined TSM, a hooded figure approaches, kneels down, grabs me by the shoulder. “This was not his destiny.” I said, holding back the tears. I look up, the stranger removes his hood and looks me in the eye, “Times Change…” says Trump, as he pushes me to the ground. This wasn’t supposed to happen. BibleThump
Please fulfill my dreams Kripp
twitchquotes:Kripp, this is Alnilamlol - I am a long time viewer and you never brofisted me when i subbed 1 year ago - please fulfill my dreams kripp .. Please ..
Kripp, this is Alnilamlol - I am a long time viewer and you never brofisted me when i subbed 1 year ago BibleThump - please fulfill my dreams kripp .. Please .. BibleThump
Reynad the Saltnosed Streamer
twitchquotes:ʕ ͡◊ ͜◉ ͡◊ ʔ Reynad the Saltnosed Streamer, had a very Salty Nose. All of the other Streamers laughed and used to call him names. Then one salty Krippmas Eve, Forsen came to say, "Reynad with your salt so bright, won't you topdeck my sleigh tonight?" Then all Streamers loved him as they jerked off with glee, Reynad the Saltnosed Streamer, you'll go down in history! ʕ ͡◊ ͜◉ ͡◊ ʔ
ʕ ͡◊ ͜◉ ͡◊ ʔ Reynad the Saltnosed Streamer, had a very Salty Nose. All of the other Streamers laughed and used to call him names. BibleThump Then one salty Krippmas Eve, Forsen came to say, "Reynad with your salt so bright, won't you topdeck my sleigh tonight?" Then all Streamers loved him as they jerked off with glee, Reynad the Saltnosed Streamer, you'll go down in history! ʕ ͡◊ ͜◉ ͡◊ ʔ
Kripp starts a salt mine
twitchquotes:As Kripp frantically tries to fix his router and internet issues. The stays dedicated and vigilante. After trying to fix these issues that arose at hand he finally came to realize that this was all worth nothing. He stopped fixing the issues and threw his computer out the window. He started up a Salt Mining company in the Himalayan mountains called Kripp Salt. He is starting a family and all is well. Thanks Kripp.
As Kripp frantically tries to fix his router and internet issues. The stays dedicated and vigilante. After trying to fix these issues that arose at hand he finally came to realize that this was all worth nothing. He stopped fixing the issues and threw his computer out the window. He started up a Salt Mining company in the Himalayan mountains called Kripp Salt. He is starting a family and all is well. Thanks Kripp. BibleThump
(▀̿Ĺ̯├┬┴┬┴ Psst... kid, you wanna disable adblock?
Kripparrian has ripped in the aether
twitchquotes:Today, November 25, 2014 marks the day that kripparrian has ripped into the aether. He was hit in the head by a Riot Gas thrown by Ferguson Police all the way from US. Please join me as we all fist ourselves without Lube in his remembrance
Today, November 25, 2014 marks the day that kripparrian has ripped into the aether. He was hit in the head by a Riot Gas thrown by Ferguson Police all the way from US. Please join me as we all fist ourselves without Lube in his remembrance BibleThump
Fairy tale of Reynard and Lea
twitchquotes:Let me tell you the fairy tale of Reynard and Lea. Once there was a magical salt-shaker named Reynard. He lived in a magical kitchen where the princess Lea would make sandwiches. One day Lea shook Reynard too hard and he broke, spilling salt everywhere.
Let me tell you the fairy tale of Reynard and Lea. Once there was a magical salt-shaker named Reynard. He lived in a magical kitchen where the princess Lea would make sandwiches. One day Lea shook Reynard too hard and he broke, spilling salt everywhere. BibleThump