(▀ĖŋÄšĖ¯â”œâ”Ŧ┴â”Ŧ┴ Psst... kid, you wanna disable adblock?
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Oops I dropped my CONGA LINE

twitchquotes: Oops I dropped my CONGA LINE 🏃đŸšļ 💃🏃đŸšļ💃🏃đŸšļ CONGA LINE 💃🏃đŸšļ💃🏃đŸšļ💃🏃đŸšļ💃🏃đŸšļ 💃🏃đŸšļ💃🏃đŸšļ CONGA LINE 💃🏃đŸšļ💃🏃đŸšļ💃🏃đŸšļ💃🏃đŸšļ 💃🏃đŸšļ💃🏃đŸšļ CONGA LINE 💃🏃đŸšļ💃🏃đŸšļ💃🏃đŸšļ💃🏃đŸšļ 💃🏃đŸšļ💃🏃đŸšļ CONGA LINE 💃🏃đŸšļ💃🏃đŸšļ💃🏃đŸšļ
twitch chat
October 2015


MaSsan is an anagram for Assman

twitchquotes: āŧŧ ◔ ͜ʖ ◔ āŧŊ MaSsan is an anagram for Assman āŧŧ ◔ ͜ʖ ◔ āŧŊ āŧŧ ◔ ͜ʖ ◔ āŧŊ MaSsan is an anagram for Assman āŧŧ ◔ ͜ʖ ◔ āŧŊ
twitch chat
October 2015
(▀ĖŋÄšĖ¯â”œâ”Ŧ┴â”Ŧ┴ Psst... kid, you wanna disable adblock?

The largest object in the solar system

twitchquotes: Hey reynad, I'm working on a science project and I need to find the largest object in the solar system. What's the measurements of your forehead? 4Head
twitch chat
October 2015

Hey Forsen how about some Brotherman Bill KKona

twitchquotes: KKona HEY KKona FORSEN KKona HOW KKona ABOUT KKona SOME KKona BROTHERMAN KKona BILL KKona
twitch chat
October 2015

Spiderman Bill makes his web on the hill

twitchquotes: ,/╲/\╭āŧŧ KKona āŧŊ╮/\╱ \ Spiderman Bill makes his web on the hill ,/╲/\╭āŧŧ KKona āŧŊ╮/\╱ \
twitch chat
October 2015
(▀ĖŋÄšĖ¯â”œâ”Ŧ┴â”Ŧ┴ Psst... kid, you wanna disable adblock?

Eadric the Pure requests Brotherman Bill

twitch chat
October 2015


True dank meme EleGiggle

twitchquotes: Hello everyone, Captain EleGiggle here. Please enlist to help fight of the Asian Invasion of MingLee. Copy and paste this to show your support of the true dank meme EleGiggle
twitch chat
October 2015

At least you lasted longer than NA at worlds

twitchquotes: Eeeyoo I had the most amazing sex with this girl last night. It was so good I came in 15 seconds and as I turned to look at her out of embarrassment, she put her lips to my ear and whispered "at least you lasted longer than NA at worlds" 4Head
twitch chat
October 2015


League of Legends

EU vs NA

This is Wildcard Region Police, NA you are coming with us

twitchquotes: (∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃▭ This is Wildcard Region Police, NA you are coming with us (∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃▭
twitch chat
October 2015

League of Legends

EU vs NA

If you are a view bot, please type MrDestructoid

twitchquotes: This is an automatic message from Amaz. I've lost some of my viewbots. If you are a viewbot, please type MrDestructoid in comments so then I can count you all. Thank you.
twitch chat
October 2015


What happened to this ad? :(

Hey Balls, I'm trying to learn to play Darius

twitchquotes: īŧ¨īŧĨīŧšã€€īŧĸīŧĄīŧŦīŧŦīŧŗīŧŒã€€īŧŠâ€™īŧ­ã€€īŧ´īŧ˛īŧšīŧŠīŧŽīŧ§ã€€īŧ´īŧ¯ã€€īŧŦīŧĨīŧĄīŧ˛īŧŽã€€īŧ´īŧ¯ã€€īŧ°īŧŦīŧĄīŧšã€€īŧ¤īŧĄīŧ˛īŧŠīŧĩīŧŗīŧŽã€€īŧŠã€€īŧĒīŧĩīŧŗīŧ´ã€€īŧ¨īŧĄīŧļīŧĨ īŧĄã€€īŧąīŧĩīŧĨīŧŗīŧ´īŧŠīŧ¯īŧŽã€€īŧĄīŧĸīŧ¯īŧĩīŧ´ã€€īŧ´īŧ¨īŧĨ īŧŗīŧĢīŧŠīŧŦīŧŦ īŧĸīŧĩīŧŠīŧŦīŧ¤īŧšã€€īŧŗīŧ¨īŧ¯īŧĩīŧŦīŧ¤ã€€īŧŠã€€īŧ­īŧĄīŧ¸ã€€īŧ¤īŧĨīŧŖīŧŠīŧ­īŧĄīŧ´īŧĨ īŧŦīŧŠīŧĢīŧĨ īŧšīŧ¯īŧĩ īŧ¤īŧĨīŧŖīŧŠīŧ­īŧĄīŧ´īŧĨīŧ¤ īŧĻīŧŽīŧĄīŧ´īŧŠīŧŖīŧŒã€€īŧŖīŧ˛īŧŠīŧ°īŧ°īŧŦīŧŠīŧŽīŧ§ īŧŗīŧ´īŧ˛īŧŠīŧĢīŧĨ īŧŦīŧŠīŧĢīŧĨ īŧšīŧ¯īŧĩ īŧŖīŧ˛īŧŠīŧ°īŧ°īŧŦīŧĨīŧ¤ īŧĻīŧŽīŧĄīŧ´īŧŠīŧŖīŧ‡īŧŗ īŧŖīŧ¨īŧĄīŧŽīŧŖīŧĨīŧŗ īŧ¯īŧĻ īŧ§īŧĨīŧ´īŧ´īŧŠīŧŽīŧ§ īŧ¯īŧĩīŧ´ īŧ¯īŧĻ īŧ§īŧ˛īŧ¯īŧĩīŧ°īŧŗīŧŒīŧ¯īŧ˛ īŧĄīŧ°īŧ°īŧ˛īŧĨīŧ¨īŧĨīŧŽīŧ¤ īŧŦīŧŠīŧĢīŧĨ īŧšīŧ¯īŧĩ īŧĄīŧ°īŧ°īŧ˛īŧĨīŧ¨īŧĨīŧŽīŧ¤īŧĨīŧ¤ īŧĄīŧŦīŧŦ īŧĻīŧŠīŧļīŧĨ īŧ¯īŧĻ īŧĻīŧŽīŧĄīŧ´īŧŠīŧŖ īŧĻīŧ¯īŧ˛ īŧĄ īŧ°īŧĨīŧŽīŧ´īŧĄīŧĢīŧŠīŧŦīŧŦīŧŽ
twitch chat
October 2015
Riot Games

League of Legends

Hello Miguel Santander, this is your cat, Mellow Cat

twitchquotes: Hello Miguel Santander, this is your cat, Mellow Cat, I heard that you were complaining about my excesive meowing. I dont complain about having to hear you talk to yourself for 8 hours while playing that stupid game so I expect the same. Come here and feed me scrub CoolCat
twitch chat
October 2015

What's it like playing against Patron

twitchquotes: Sometimes when I see my opponent drop that Warsong Commander, I quickly turn my volume up to max, let go of my mouse, lean back in my chair and close my eyes. I let the sounds of whirling blades and orc and dwarf voices engulf me and dive into a dream-like state where only I exist, floating through space with a sweet warmth in my belly. It's almost therapeutic.
twitch chat
October 2015


Hey guys a little bit sick today

twitchquotes: ResidentSleeper Hey guys a little bit sick today ResidentSleeper kinda tired cuz I didn't sleep well ResidentSleeper gonna be another short stream ResidentSleeper we're going to clear up some dallies on the free accounts first ResidentSleeper we'll do some arena later ResidentSleeper
twitch chat
October 2015

FNATIC World Championships

â–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–ŦāŽœÛŠÛžÛŠāŽœâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧ ████░██▄░██░░▄███▄░░████░██░░▄███▄ ██▄░░███▄██░██▀░▀██░░██░░██░██▀░▀▀ ██▀░░██▀███░███████░░██░░██░██▄░▄▄ ██░░░██░░██░██░░░██░░██░░██░░▀███▀ â–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–ŦāŽœÛŠÛžÛŠāŽœâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧâ–Ŧ
October 2015
Riot Games

League of Legends

What happened to this ad? :(

You have been visited by the KOMODO OF GOOD FORTUNE

twitchquotes: OSkomodo xD OSkomodo LeL OSkomodo xD OSkomodo LeL OSkomodo xD OSkomodo IF YOU SEE THIS WHILE SCROLLING you have been visited by the KOMODO OF GOOD FORTUNE. You will be blessed but only if you copy and paste this 3 times OSkomodo xD OSkomodo LeL OSkomodo xD OSkomodo LeL OSkomodo xD OSkomodo
twitch chat
October 2015


Sesame Street Celebrity Recruitment Department

twitchquotes: Hello Kripparian. Its Becky from the Sesame Street Celebrity Recruitment Department. Although "E-Sports" has indeed become mainstream, we unfortunately have declined your application to be on an episode of Sesame Street. We have already filmed the episode where "K" is the letter of the day. Thank you for your interest.
twitch chat
October 2015

Holy Champion: how many fingers do you see?

twitchquotes: ╭∩╮( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮ How many fingers do you see? ╭∩╮ ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
twitch chat
October 2015

Hello Kripp, proud brony here

twitchquotes: 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎 Hello Kripp, proud brony here. I was just wondering if you could played the "dreadsteed" deck as it reminds me of my waifu Twilight Sparkle. Thanks, it would mean soooo much to me (âœŋ☯â€ŋ☯âœŋ) 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎
twitch chat
September 2015


What happened to this ad? :(

I want thank chat for many message, help cover our trail

twitchquotes: Hello pals sorry for bad england. I come on website to speak to girl from village. Is place where she can speak without state see because message move fast. I talk with her once month. Cost twenty fennix money for half hour internet to talk. I want thank chat for many message, help cover our trail. No copy my heartfelt message please
twitch chat
September 2015
Text-to-Speech Playing