twitchquotes: PartyHat NOT EVERYONE IN THE CHAT CAN WEAR HAT FeelsGoodMan
twitch chat
November 2019
What happened to this ad? :(
More Copypastas

Is Reynad a girly man? Is he Edward from Twilight?

twitchquotes: This guy drinks cider and claims to get drunk off them? Is he a girly man? Is he a gay man? Is he edward from twilight?
twitch chat
April 2014

Marginally optimizing a children's game!

twitchquotes: Hey Kripp, loyal fan chiming in here (for once). I think your stream is great! I would have spent my time working towards a cure for cancer, or how to automate food production in the 3rd world, but luckily i stumbled onto your stream and now I can waste my time watching you marginally optimize a children's game! What a career you have made!
twitch chat
October 2014

I’m a Zoe HATER

twitchquotes: I’m hoping Zoe DIES xD I’m a Zoe HATER because she’s so cute and EVIL! People get so trolled by her bubble and her voice lines are SATANIC, like the one about cake! She’s super DEGENERATE but also smarter than she looks, just like SATAN as a kid XD
twitch chat
April 2020

League of Legends

It makes no sense!

twitchquotes: I don't know why people have to copy/paste other people messages. It makes no sense!
twitch chat
April 2018

If Biden wins, I'm moving to Alaska

twitchquotes: I simply will not stand to live in a country ruled by Biden. So if he wins the election, I am packing my bags and moving far away, where Joseph "Malarkey" Biden cannot reach me. I will be starting a new life in Alaska.
twitch chat
November 2020

2020 US Election

Text-to-Speech Playing