[Copypasta] Harvest Jack Raid Shadow Legends ad

SPOOKY, you don’t wanna run into this pumpkin, harvest jack is one scary champion if you wanna see him shine put him in the arena, his fear ability turns good to bad and bad to worse. With his sythe and glowing eyes, harvest jack is scary, you want him on your side in RAID SHADOW LEGENDS, download now and play for free
May 2022
I used to be a real ad
More Copypastas

NA, aka 'No Achievements'

twitchquotes: NA, aka 'No Achievements' is the weakest region in the professional League of Legends scene. They are specifically known for their clown fiestas and never winning anything worthwhile in the history of League of Legends.
twitch chat
November 2019
Riot Games

League of Legends

EU vs NA

Summit i am a chicken from cs go

twitchquotes: Summit i am a chicken from cs go ... i barely survived inferno ... i just want you and ur friends stop killlin my chickens or im gonna peck the sh1t out of you .My dream is to travel from A sight to B at my friend horse near construction without getting hurt together with my chicks and u always ruin it... please copy paste and stop this madness , let a chicken cross inferno my brothers
twitch chat
April 2016


xqcM emote

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May 2019

Do you know who I am? I am a 4.0 STEM Major

twitchquotes: Do you know who the fuck you're talking to right now? I'm a 4.0 STEM major with a full ride to a top ten university. I'm in the 97th percentile of IQ intelligence (the test wouldn't go any higher). I literally tip the scales with my intelligence. I am the furthest thing from a "twitch chat idiot".
twitch chat
July 2014


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June 2021


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