[Copypasta] Back in my day copying a message took skill

twitchquotes: ( ͡ʘ╭͜ʖ╮͡ʘ) Back in my day copying a message took skill. Now the chat stops moving when you scroll up. Disrespectful kids and their technology. ( ͡ʘ╭͜ʖ╮͡ʘ)
twitch chat
August 2015
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More Reynad Copypastas

Oops, sorry! This Twitch Chat message is only visible to TempoStorm Premium Subscribers

twitchquotes: [Oops, sorry! This Twitch Chat message is only visible to reynadTS TempoStorm Premium Subscribers reynadTS . Join today to read premium messages and become legendary!]
twitch chat
August 2015


plebs vs subs

Jeff / Reynad / Mitch

twitchquotes: As Jeff pushed his Fiery War Axe deeper into Reynad's Golden Coin, Reynad hit end turn. Conceal wore off to reveal it was in fact Mitch Jones's Fiery Bat that was penetrating Reynad's Huge Toad. Reynad gasped, and tried to scurry away, but Mitch Jones held on as he forced his way into his Unstable Portal.
twitch chat
May 2016


Twitch Memer in his natural habitat

twitchquotes: Here we can observe the Twitch Memer in his natural habitat, stuck as usual in this intricate limbo of carefully crafted memes, emote spam and endless copypastas that no one even bothers to read anymore. The Memer actually used to be a very functional human being way back then. Will he ever claim that state back and finally manage to reproduce?
twitch chat
May 2016

Don't use that catheter on my bum bumarino

twitchquotes: Hello Gino "No Cappuccino" Pastarino here. I see you are using one of Reynad's copyrighted decks. You must pay...wait you are Reynadarino climbing ladderino? My badarino. Please forgivarino Lord Reynard. I give much love. Don't use that catheter on my bum bumarino like you did last time-arino. With no cappucino Love, Gino Pastarino
twitch chat
July 2014

Andrew Tides "The Turncloak" Biessnener was caught

twitchquotes: Andrew Tides "The Turncloak" Biessnener was caught today at Dulles Airport trying to fly to Moscow. He was found carrying top secret American Hearthstone decks built by Reynad. He planned on passing them to Russian KGB agent, Kolento Pistolev. As he was arrested Tides shouted, "Death to America!"
twitch chat
November 2014
Text-to-Speech Playing