[Copypasta] No, fellow Twitch chat community member, I will NOT press 1

twitchquotes: No, fellow Twitch chat community member, I will NOT press 1, spam Kаppa, hold my donger, aggravate mods, or copy paste your messages. This is a community of upstanding individuals, such as myself, who wish to keep this chat in a state of peace and clarity.
twitch chat
February 2016
I used to be a real ad
More Reynad Copypastas

R-Reynad-sama? Could you please roleplay?

twitchquotes: (»° _ °«) R-Reynad-sama? Could you please, um, roleplay, so when your hero takes damage... you um, p-pretend y-you take damage...! T-thank you... (>/////<)
twitch chat
January 2015




Right in the face

twitch chat
July 2014

Roach boy =)

twitchquotes: no stories need bro =) yur on welfare not me=p so how is no job going for ya anyway? bottom feeding like your parents before u =) atta boy! stay at the bottom =) be a good lil roach. my job wouldnt be such a joke if it wasnt for u fools =) keep me comfy at the top =) its good to sit above roaches like u =)
twitch chat
June 2015

I'm not gonna read that

twitchquotes: I'm not gonna read that. Fuck you.
twitch chat
July 2014

It seems you have tucked Frump

twitch chat
January 2015
Text-to-Speech Playing