[Copypasta] Mr Michael Santana, this is your German teacher

twitchquotes: Mr Michael Santana, this is your German teacher. I am very disappoint in your German speaking abilities. I request that you repeat zu words: Blauschimmelkäse, Kachelofen, Ziegeneutermilch and Schachspielzug three times a day for the next month.
twitch chat
November 2014
I used to be a real ad
More imaqtpie Copypastas

Born just in time to TAKE THE PLEB TEST

twitchquotes: └( ° ͜ʖ͡°)┐Born too late to explore the Earth, born too soon to explore the Galaxy. Born just in time to TAKE THE PLEB TEST! └( ° ͜ʖ͡°)┐ ✓ amazW ✓ krippW ✓ trumpW ✓ reynadW ✓ kolentoW ✓ bajW ✓ dewW ✓ emjaneW ✓ forsenW ✓ krippW ✓ loidW ✓ mitchW ✓ reckW ✓ sodaW ✓ taymooW ✓ PLEB TEST PASSED
twitch chat
March 2015

plebs vs subs

Enjoy your ban and never come here again

twitchquotes: hey guys when i ban ur ass for posting fucking stupid ass spam dont fucking come to me crying "wahh hwahh i got banned i wasnt doing anything i just asked what build he was going" no u didnt ask that shit u fucking posted huge ass copypasta enjoy ur fucking ban and never come here again
twitch chat
August 2014

This is the police!

twitchquotes: This is the police! Get your dongers in the air f***ers - you have been caught red handed. Stop with the copy paste right now or we will be forced to use Police Brutality. Don't try to get away with it by copying this and impersonating us!
twitch chat
November 2014

QTPie calls all his subs dudes

twitchquotes: Does anyone ever notice how QT calls all his subs dudes? Honestly this is the only reason I don't subscribe. As a 16 year old female from cali I would not like to be called a dude when I have female genitalia. Please spread awareness.
twitch chat
December 2014

I am a muricunt born in America

twitchquotes: I am a muricunt born in america, the land of the fat and the free. I am proud of my awful education, horrible medical care, terrible society and religious gunwielding fanatics. With my natural 260 lbs, please stop talking trash about my mediocre country which is a collection of all the human scum EU and Asia dumped a few hundred years ago.
twitch chat
July 2014

EU vs NA

Text-to-Speech Playing