[Copypasta] Every E-Sport needs their clown

twitchquotes: Every E-Sport needs their clown. We are privileged to have someone like Kripp in the Hearthstone community.
twitch chat
November 2014
What happened to this ad? :(
More Kripp Copypastas

Kripp will baby rage no matter the game!

twitchquotes: Hearthstone? BabyRage Artifact? BabyRage it's all the same! BabyRage Kripp will baby rage BabyRage no matter the game! BabyRage
twitch chat
December 2018




Slow mode, r9k mode, and randomly banning people, good job mods

twitchquotes: Boy, the mods in this channel have really done a bang-up job. When I first got here it was all cappuccino pasterino, but now that they're using slow mode, r9k and randomly banning people, we can finally have a productive chat without all the IDIOTS. Thank you, mods.
twitch chat
May 2014

Kripp nudes leaked online

twitch chat
September 2014

A full golden Hearthstone collection

twitchquotes: Lieutenant General Octavian, we regret to inform you that the Chinese have successfully built a full golden Hearthstone collection before you with their superior economy and rng. You are hereby relieved of all duties pertaining to the hell we call Hearthstone...It's over, Kripp.
twitch chat
December 2014

Attention Twitch Chat. Kappa IS BEING REMOVED

twitchquotes: ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ATTENTION TWITCH CHAT. Kappa IS BEING REMOVED BY NAZI ADMINS. PLEASE SPAM Kappa SO THEY DO NOT REMOVE THE EMOTE. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime
twitch chat
February 2016
Text-to-Speech Playing