smallcat why are you so small FeelsGoodMan mellow why are you so cute FeelsGoodMan Lisha i love you FeelsGoodMan DAPPER NO FeelsBadMan
you stupid "point loaders" arent ACTUAL iamqtpie fans
twitchquotes:you stupid "point loaders" arent ACTUAL iamqtpie fans, if you were you would know he absolutely despises copypastas such as "whens apex legends" or the one you're posting right now!! better go and watch informative videos on youtube and learn how to be a real michel santana fan
you stupid "point loaders" arent ACTUAL iamqtpie fans, if you were you would know he absolutely despises copypastas such as "whens apex legends" or the one you're posting right now!! better go and watch informative videos on youtube and learn how to be a real michel santana fan
Dear Qtpie. This is the Queen of England
twitchquotes:Dear Qtpie. This is the Queen of England. I am revoking your knighthood due to your refusal to play Sion. Furthermore, keeping any gate is henceforth considered an act of high treason. Your insolence stops here foul knave
Dear Qtpie. This is the Queen of England. I am revoking your knighthood due to your refusal to play Sion. Furthermore, keeping any gate is henceforth considered an act of high treason. Your insolence stops here foul knave
Imqtpie losing his farmer's license for poor cs
twitchquotes:Hey, qtPie this is the NSA (National Service of Agriculture). If you do not start getting some cs soon, we will have to revoke your farmer license
Hey, qtPie this is the NSA (National Service of Agriculture). If you do not start getting some cs soon, we will have to revoke your farmer license
An Urgot main
twitchquotes:Hey as an URGOT main I go on to this "" and what do i find? ABSOLUTELY nothing!! Why is this QT what am I to do with my life?