[Copypasta] How to win any Internet argument

Ok hillbilly person who supports genocide and pedophiles and war crimes and the Holocaust and the Rwandan genocide and 9/11 and incest and r**e and the Armenian genocide and Nazis and the Japanese interment camps and sterilizing immigrants and concentration camps and harvesting organs and mass shootings and human trafficking and totalitarian fascist regimes and Donald Trump saying "There were very fine people on both sides" and white supremacy and male supremacy and cis supremacy and hetero supremacy and the coronavirus pandemic and imperialism and bombing Syria and the drug war and the Crusades and the Holodomor and the January 6th capitol storm and slavery and World War 1 and World War 2 and diabetes and cancer and AIDS and Ebola and murder and rabies and police brutality and fatherless homes and motherless homes and segregation and Jim Crow laws and the Uyghur genocide and animal abuse and selling SpongeBob's soul for 62 cents and murdering babies and voter fraud and fascism and fatphobia and ableism and criminalizing homosexuality and bestiality and kids starving in the streets and saying slurs and cannibalism and banning everything in existence and wishing that all of life on Earth was extinct. Fuck you!
May 2021
I used to be a real ad
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You are currently in a 25 year coma

twitchquotes: If you are reading this message, Jesse, you are currently in a 25 year coma. We've been trying to communicate with you for the longest time by manipulating your brain waves, but nothing so far has worked. If you manage to read this it means our new method has succeeded. Please, wake up Jesse. Your family loves you and wants you back. In a week they are going to pull the plug on your life support, they can't afford the medical bills anymore.
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August 2017

Trump wakes up chained to the wall

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July 2015

I am wondering if you are selling cat meat

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July 2015

I have a 197 word essay due tomorrow

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November 2014


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