[Copypasta] Hi I'm 12 year old

twitchquotes: Hi I'm 12 year old I started listening to suicide boys like a month ago and I saw people wearing their clothes that said fuck the police and I want to know where to buy it also how much it cost also how to make your parents okay with clothes that say bad words thank you
twitch chat
August 2019
I used to be a real ad
More Copypastas

Only the chosen one can hold his donger

twitchquotes: 8=====> Only the chosen one can hold his donger ⎝ PogChamp
twitch chat
February 2016


Kill the chicken again

twitchquotes: K҉íl͞l͢ ̛t̀he̡ ͘c͢hic̕k͡en ̸agąin, ͘I̵ d͞a͟r̨e ̷y͏o̵u̸, I ͟ḑo̷ubl̶e d̕a҉re̡ ̢yo̵u ͜moth͡erf̴ucke̵r
twitch chat
June 2014

Trump got kicked out of Blizzcon

twitchquotes: Trump got kicked out of Blizzcon when security asked him a question and he refused to answer unless they gave him $4.99
twitch chat
November 2014

I hate when people refer to orange juice as OJ

I hate when people refer to orange juice as OJ. Why OJ? Do you want to sound cool? Is it so much of a hustle to say orange juice? Do you abbreviate apple juice too? " Hey yeah, let me have some AJ?" - said by no one ever. I just think it sound annoying af. Edit: I don't have any issues with abbreviations, except for OJ as orange juice. Sorry if I offended some of you with sensitive feelings.
May 2022


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September 2021
Text-to-Speech Playing