hey reynad, gril here, i am sad to say that i have a leak, how will this affect my propain?
I used to be a real ad
More Reynad Copypastas
Hey Reynad, its me, the lamp behind you
twitchquotes:Hey Reynad, its me, the lamp behind you. Do you remember when you used to turn me on all the time? Now that you're a big time gaming memester, I get as much use as the surfboard and your guitar. I miss you and I hope you use my 29 watts soon
Hey Reynad, its me, the lamp behind you. Do you remember when you used to turn me on all the time? Now that you're a big time gaming memester, I get as much use as the surfboard and your guitar. I miss you and I hope you use my 29 watts soon
Hunters are compelled by a mysterious force to attack face
twitchquotes:After months of careful and thorough research, I have discovered that Hunters, quite literally, do NOT have the capacity to trade minions. They are physically unable to attack an opponents minion with one of theirs. They a compelled by some mysterious force to mindlessly attack the face of their opponent.
After months of careful and thorough research, I have discovered that Hunters, quite literally, do NOT have the capacity to trade minions. They are physically unable to attack an opponents minion with one of theirs. They a compelled by some mysterious force to mindlessly attack the face of their opponent.
Play a pirate rogue or we will be forced stir up a great mutiny!
twitchquotes:╰[✖Ĺ̯ಠ]╯Ahoy, matey! Play a pirate rogue or we will be forced stir up a great mutiny!╰[✖Ĺ̯ಠ]╯
╰[✖Ĺ̯ಠ]╯Ahoy, matey! Play a pirate rogue or we will be forced stir up a great mutiny!╰[✖Ĺ̯ಠ]╯
Remittance-based Number Generation
twitchquotes:R-N-G Remittance-based Number Generation, was a phrased developed by Blizzard in 2013 Hearthstone Beta(2014 official release). The phrase describes Blizzard's sentiment off *** YOU PAY US MORE MONIES RIGHT *** NOW. If the player does not pay $4.50 average per week, ugly loss accruing algorithms are enabled.
R-N-G Remittance-based Number Generation, was a phrased developed by Blizzard in 2013 Hearthstone Beta(2014 official release). The phrase describes Blizzard's sentiment off *** YOU PAY US MORE MONIES RIGHT *** NOW. If the player does not pay $4.50 average per week, ugly loss accruing algorithms are enabled.
The attack of Trump's iluminati mods
twitchquotes:Three years have past since the attack of trumps iluminati mods.Reynad, Kripp and a handful of twitch users hid in a cave far away from Value Town, the last stronghold of the spam. ’’Pass me some OJ’’ said the Kripp…Reynad smiled….there wasn’t any left #Rekt.
Three years have past since the attack of trumps iluminati mods.Reynad, Kripp and a handful of twitch users hid in a cave far away from Value Town, the last stronghold of the spam. ’’Pass me some OJ’’ said the Kripp…Reynad smiled….there wasn’t any left #Rekt.