[Copypasta] I'm currently crushing on someone in Highschool

twitchquotes: Hey, everyone. I'm currently crushing on someone in Highschool and we are both freshman. So the thing is I'm kinda shy when asking out people and my courage rn is like Bronze level of weak. I want to ask her out on a date or just see how she really feels about me. Another difficult thing too is that I'm a C9 fan and she is a TSM fan . Do you guys have any advice for me???
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November 2019
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G2, aka “Gold 2”

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September 2019
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When will TSM play next?

twitchquotes: Hey guys! I've only recently started watching msi, and I have grown attached to the team known as "TSM". The only problem is I don't have access to a schedule of the msi fixtures. Could someone please let me know when TSM play next? For I would love to watch them again. Thanks! EleGiggle
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