[Copypasta] How can this guy call himself a professional streamer

twitchquotes: 😑 How can this guy call himself a professional streamer when he CLEARLY has no clue about what he's doing. You're supposed to kill the application process tree not alt+f4 like a fucking monkey FailFish Seriously I'm done watching this guy and if I see any one of your fuckers copypaste this I'll delete my account 😑
twitch chat
June 2017
(β–€ΜΏΔΉΜ―β”œβ”¬β”΄β”¬β”΄ Psst... kid, you wanna disable adblock?
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twitchquotes: The game is great. my favorite part is YOU DISCONECTED FROM THE SERVER. RELIABLE PACKET 1 (size=13) WAS NOT ACK'D AFTER 7505MS (9 RESENDS) haha 10/10
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November 2016

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July 2020

Is there an anime character stronger than Twilight Sparkle?

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