[Copypasta] Twitch Chat is the most elusive substance known to man

twitchquotes: 420/69 scientists agree that Twitch Chat is the most elusive substance known to man. The All-Knowing Twitch Chat flows through the very fabric of space and time. Twitch Chat is very unpredictable. What will Twitch Chat copy/pasta next? Nobody knows. Maybe the elusive Twitch Chat will copy/pasta this very message. Just remember, Twitch Chat knows all, and Twitch Chat is always right.
twitch chat
May 2017
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February 2024

Tesla is undervalued

Currently Tesla share price is only valued for the next 200 years but studies have shown that Earth will survive another 1 billions years before the Sun dies out. Thus You don't have to be genius to figure out Tesla is heavily undervalued and it's current value factors in only the very short time. I am kinda retarded to be able to do the math but trust me it's heavy money. Factor in the when Zuckenberg calls in his species and that planet will be another market for Tesla that's more clients for Tesla and it will sky rocket. Get in before it's late
January 2021


bri'ish accent

stabbed: Oit there mate, bit rude to put that knoife in me chest innit? chewsday: It's chewsday innit? BLM: Black lives ma-a spiderman: peta paka ffs: fuh funk saek ROIGHT wots oll dis den Covid-19: Cowvid Nointeen fuck you: funk yew sub to youtube: subscribe to my youchube you look beautyfull: yu luuk beutiful loaf you gotta be jk: yoove gOHt to be joe king math is hard: mafffmatic is hard, innit!? i saw a film: I soar a film not botherd: I'm not movered harry potter: arry pah uh my son is now foh yes old nice art: Roight, look aat thi meauchiful bloody wohk of aaaht mtdew: mointain jew
April 2021

chat I took an iq test yesterday

twitchquotes: chat I took an iq test yesterday and it turns out I'm a certified genius. don't let this affect your opinion of me. I'm one of you.. maybe just a little bit better and smarter and hotter. I'm still Pepega at heart, albeit 5Head in brain.
twitch chat
April 2021

Don't copy paste the name when you copy paste

twitchquotes: Devlinate: Kaiser_HS: snny_: DONT COPY PASTE THE NAME WHEN U COPY PASTE FailFish
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