[Copypasta] Copypasta-free chat experience

twitchquotes: Attention viewers, we at TwitchTV imGlitch are moving to a copyThis VoteNay pastaThat copypasta-free chat experience. We feel that this will improve the overall TwitchTV imGlitch experience for all users. Therefore, we have disabled the use of the ctrl-v combo. Thank you for your understanding, and have a nice day. Jebaited
twitch chat
September 2016
I used to be a real ad
More Copypastas


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September 2020

This channel needs to hire some proper mods

twitchquotes: This channel needs to hire some proper mods. Chat is just filled with idiotic people spamming mindless copy pastas who cant engage in intelligent conversation about the game being displayed. Its a step back in evolution in my opinionss
twitch chat
January 2019

I hate Twitch Chat

I like pickles in my ass

twitchquotes: I like pickles in my ass, I shoved one up there before the aftermath was amazing. I took the pickle juice that came out of my ass and drank it. I got so lit, you should try it. It's really good
twitch chat
July 2020


Principle of explosion

We know that "Not all lemons are yellow", as it has been assumed to be true. We know that "All lemons are yellow", as it has been assumed to be true. Therefore, the two-part statement "All lemons are yellow OR unicorns exist" must also be true, since the first part "All lemons are yellow" of the two-part statement is true (as this has been assumed). However, since we know that "Not all lemons are yellow" (as this has been assumed), the first part is false, and hence the second part must be true.
August 2021

LCS, aka "Literally Cannot Sidelane"

twitchquotes: LCS, aka "Literally Cannot Sidelane", is Riot's premier Wildcard region held in the saltiest continent and denoted as such, NA. It is ridiculed for its poor international performance and macro, favouring the "NARAM" style.
twitch chat
February 2020

League of Legends

Text-to-Speech Playing