Hey Kripp, I just wanted to thank you for the public service you performed earlier this year by releasing the Hafu nudes. I had suffered from ED for 14 years. My dick was limp like an overcooked linguini in a salty marinara. But now, I am able to stay rigid like a raw penne and my wife loves it. Thank you Kripp for saving my penis and my marriage!
Kripp and his tiny peckerwood
twitchquotes:Omg Kripp... I remember seeing you in the hallways during school. I remember seeing your zipper down and I kept eyeing you tiny peckerwood. You always had the cutest grin. Please call me (205-069-1337) and find me. I will always love you. ~Eddy Pepperino (not wearing any panties atm).
Omg Kripp... I remember seeing you in the hallways during school. I remember seeing your zipper down and I kept eyeing you tiny peckerwood. You always had the cutest grin. Please call me (205-069-1337) and find me. I will always love you. ~Eddy Pepperino (not wearing any panties atm).
Giant tropical Kripparians
twitchquotes:Giant tropical Kripparians share their territories with Hearthstone players. Despite never getting to legendary, he's a nimble player. As quick as lightning, just like the player he's killing, the Kripparian has two curved hollow fangs which inject paralyzing salt. Even pros aren't immune from an ambush. This Kripparian is an arena player.
Giant tropical Kripparians share their territories with Hearthstone players. Despite never getting to legendary, he's a nimble player. As quick as lightning, just like the player he's killing, the Kripparian has two curved hollow fangs which inject paralyzing salt. Even pros aren't immune from an ambush. This Kripparian is an arena player.
Attention Twitch Chat. Kappa IS BEING REMOVED
ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ATTENTION TWITCH CHAT. Kappa IS BEING REMOVED BY NAZI ADMINS. PLEASE SPAM Kappa SO THEY DO NOT REMOVE THE EMOTE. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime
Hi Kripp, Google again here
twitchquotes:Kripp, Google again here. We've noticed that you've been away from Twitch for at least 2 minutes in the past. We're just wondering if everything is okay. Is it still the merchandise? We're serious about raising the price if it's a problem to you. We just want you to have fun, and to of course buy more Twitch merchandise. Our Viewbots are ready to bring you (mostly us) much ad revenue. Thank you Kripp, hope to see you soon
Kripp, Google again here. We've noticed that you've been away from Twitch for at least 2 minutes in the past. We're just wondering if everything is okay. Is it still the merchandise? We're serious about raising the price if it's a problem to you. We just want you to have fun, and to of course buy more Twitch merchandise. Our Viewbots are ready to bring you (mostly us) much ad revenue. Thank you Kripp, hope to see you soon