[Copypasta] I was banned for posting long paragraphs

twitchquotes: Hi Trump I was banned for posting "long paragraphs" according to my 3rd grade english teacher a paragraph is 6 or more sentences and a long paragraph is over 9. I would like compensation for this bannerino i recieved from some of your le nazi mods. I think that this should recieve at least 420/69 points for my paper. Please no copy pasterilni linguini pleaserini.
twitch chat
April 2015
What happened to this ad? :(
More Trump Copypastas

Trump captains Australian TSM division

twitchquotes: Today pro-gaming team TSM announced that their star Hearthstone player Jeffrey "Trump" Shih will be moving to Australia to captain their new division, AuTSM. Way to go Trump!
twitch chat
January 2015

This is Trump News reporting

twitchquotes: This is Trump News reporting. A new craze is sweeping Greece where submissives, known as 'Subs' are being brutally brofisted for only 5 dollars! The man responsible for this is currently in hiding under a pile of pizza boxes.
twitch chat
May 2015

A huge grin appeared on Trump's face

twitch chat
August 2014

Test to see if a deck is good or not in constructed

twitchquotes: here's the test to see if a deck is good or not in constructed: 1) does it have dr boom, 2) does it have sylvanas, 3) is it mech mage. if it meets two out of three criteria it is good
twitch chat
March 2015

Trump got kicked out of Blizzcon

twitchquotes: Trump got kicked out of Blizzcon when security asked him a question and he refused to answer unless they gave him $4.99
twitch chat
November 2014
Text-to-Speech Playing