WeirdChamp 👉 KekeHands
Exclusivity. I do not understand much about video games, certainly not as a form of artistic expression capable of concept actualization unparalleled by all other mediums. Not as a potentially deeply personal, formative experience designed to be enjoyed and to be fulfilling. To be sure, I have quite vague cognizance of the thing as a form of 'fun.' But exclusivity, I understand very well. Leverage. Exploitation. Denial. Withholding. Extortion. These things, I am quite familiar with. The pursuit of ungodly sums demands such familiarity. These animals, these numbers on my reports, these data points, it is interesting to ponder their perception of abstractions such as exclusivity. To feel no insult to what is a relatively hamfisted ploy truly speaks to their inferiority. In their complacency, they work to deserve it. Indeed, in their inaction they have earned such treatment, and what's more their continued inaction even as a great deal of people espouse that very observation only serves to encourage me further. Strange. But, there is nothing for me to gain in pondering such things beyond a moment's amusement.
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WeirdChamp PASS
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The fox went to the street. He saw a little lost gay grape walking and crying. -What is wrong, grape? Said the fox. -I-i'm lost ;c, said the grape wimping -That's okay! i can take you somewhere safe, said the fox pointing to a bush, come! The fox and the grape went behind the bush. The fox then told the little grape to close his eyes, and he will be in a new home. Then, vore, glorp, groop! the fox ate the silly grape, and burped as he peed out the seed of the grape. -Please~ i don't wanna die! said the agitated, now skinless grape seed. Then, the fox put the seed in his mouth, licking and smacking his lips acros the seed's body. The fox arrived to the Grand Canyon, and, pooh! he spit the grape in the Canyon.
gay bat
@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@
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did u call us useless worms if we so useless why would u ask us what do we think you disrespectful walking meat known as a human dislike
gay bat
Yo why tf me cold??? My hands are freezing cold bros like super cold I cant put my hands in my pants ot warm them up cause i'll end up making my pp cold too and i cant risk that
gay bat
T-Series is one of the biggest music corporations in India, and has been close at the heels of PewDiePie’s subscriber total for quite some time. If not for a rally from Felix’s massive fanbase, the title probably would have been lost ages ago, but thousands of new subscribers from billboard campaigns, Super Bowl stunts, and so many other ridiculous measures helped keep the YouTuber’s subscriber count growing.
gay bat
While the OK hand sign began to have associations with Trump supporters as early as 2015, its perception as a hate symbol has grown over the past two years to the extent that when Zina Bash, a clerk of Brett Kavanaugh's, appeared to make an OK sign with her hands during the judge's confirmation hearing last month, interpretations that Bash was making a white power gesture went viral on the internet. According to Brad Kim, head of Know Your Meme, the hand sign now has multiple connotations in addition to its original meaning of "OK." There are those that employ it as a dog-whistle for alt-right affiliations and there are those that use it primarily for its shock value and to troll liberals. Although the OK hand sign hasn't been taken over by alt-right groups to the degree of, say, Pepe, its growing association with white supremacists has prompted Emojipedia, one of the leading online resources on emojis, to recently publish an article declaring that the symbol and its emoji counterpart are not white power symbols.
gay bat
If you are not familiar, you lucky person. Caillou is a despicable, spineless 4-year-old boy who cannot do anything. He can't grow hair, not because he has cancer or progeria, but because he sucks, and even his own body recognizes that he does not deserve hair or food or love. He has a baby sister who dominates his life because she is a normal, loving child who does not whine about the slightest fart of the breeze. Caillou's parents love her better because she is a better person. Someday Caillou will realize this and probably whine while falling face-first onto the pavement in front of a Tim Horton's for no reason whatsoever. Maybe he'll die from his injuries. That would be great, especially because Caillou is Canadian and his health care in event of catastrophic injury isn't on my tab. Win-win for American parents everywhere, really.
gay bat
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Serious question for the white folks. Does anyone else feel offended been racially profiled by non white people? I mean as a white person born in Australia I'm a mix of French, Italian and Scottish. It took me my whole life to discover my original heritage and I'm still just learning things about my family now I never knew. I'm getting the impression that because I'm white and you're not there's an open pass for reverse racism. Just try to be kind to strangers, you honestly don't know anything about their journey or their true cultural identity. Peace and love ✌❤
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