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Doublelift looks nervous as he hands over the money

twitchquotes: Doublelift looks nervous as he hands over the money. "Is this enough?" he asks. Marc Merrill looks at him and laughs "QT is in for another soloQ special
twitch chat
February 2017

League of Legends

Wow, that actually killed me

twitchquotes: :thinking: The year is 2034. QT lies on his death bed. As he lies there in his last breath he whispers: "Wow, that actually killed me." :thinking:
twitch chat
January 2017

League of Legends

Waiting for adblock to be disabled

Wow, that ACTUALLY killed me?

twitchquotes: ResidentSleeper HUH k ResidentSleeper I'm really strong right now ResidentSleeper Wow, that ACTUALLY killed me? What the fuck ResidentSleeper We played that so bad ResidentSleeper
twitch chat
November 2016

League of Legends

Hello Michael Santana, this is your local tax officer

twitchquotes: Hello Michael Santana, this is your local tax officer. Your last reply as to why you haven't paid your taxes is unnacceptable. "I'll check it out later" and "You know how I get down" are NOT valid excuses. We are sending our men over RIGHT NOW to start repossessing your house.
twitch chat
November 2016

Doot diddity donger cuckerino

twitchquotes: CoolStoryBob š““š“øš“øš“½ š“­š“²š“­š“­š“²š“µš”‚ š“­š“øš“·š“°š“®š“» š“¬š“¾š“¬š““š“®š“»š“²š“·š“ø CoolStoryBob
twitch chat
November 2016
I used to be a real ad

Is there an anime character stronger than Imaqtpie?

twitchquotes: @Imaqtpie, Is there an anime character stronger than Imaqtpie? And Iā€™m referring to TWITCH TV Imaqtpie with the Eternal and many PJSALT (with the REDDIT MEME ability) equipped with his 4-20 Heimerdonger and control over Jhin and Lucian, a completely monochrome screen, with Faker's DNA implanted in his chest so he can masterfully type /ff, demoted to D3 as well as being extremely skilled in League of legend
twitch chat
August 2016

League of Legends

Ads on imaqtpie's stream

twitchquotes: Hey QT, I was enjoying a session of ads on your stream recently, when it abruptly ended after only 45 minutes. Could you please fix this, me and my wife are eager to know how effective this kitchen cleaner will be!
twitch chat
August 2016

Smoke weed everyday

twitchquotes: ā•­ā”ā”ā”ā•®ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•­ā•®ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•± ā”ƒā•°ā”ā”ā”³ā•®ā•­ā”³ā”ā”ā”«ā”ƒā•­ā”³ā”ā”ā•®ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•± ā•°ā”ā”ā•®ā”ƒā•°ā•Æā”ƒā•­ā•®ā”ƒā•°ā•Æā”«ā”ƒā”ā”«ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•± ā”ƒā•°ā”ā•Æā”ƒā”ƒā”ƒā”ƒā•°ā•Æā”ƒā•­ā•®ā”«ā”ƒā”ā”«ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•± ā•°ā”ā”ā”ā”»ā”»ā”»ā”»ā”ā”ā”»ā•Æā•°ā”»ā”ā”ā•Æā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•± ā•­ā•®ā•­ā•®ā•­ā•®ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•­ā•®ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•± ā”ƒā”ƒā”ƒā”ƒā”ƒā”ƒā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā”ƒā”ƒā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•± ā”ƒā”ƒā”ƒā”ƒā”ƒā”£ā”ā”ā”³ā”ā”ā”³ā”ā•Æā”ƒā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•± ā”ƒā•°ā•Æā•°ā•Æā”ƒā”ƒā”ā”«ā”ƒā”ā”«ā•­ā•®ā”ƒā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•± ā•°ā•®ā•­ā•®ā•­ā”«ā”ƒā”ā”«ā”ƒā”ā”«ā•°ā•Æā”ƒā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•± ā•±ā•°ā•Æā•°ā•Æā•°ā”ā”ā”»ā”ā”ā”»ā”ā”ā•Æā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•± ā•­ā”ā”ā”ā•®ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•­ā•®ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•­ā•® ā”ƒā•­ā”ā”ā•Æā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā”ƒā”ƒā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā”ƒā”ƒ ā”ƒā•°ā”ā”ā”³ā•®ā•­ā”³ā”ā”ā”³ā”ā”³ā•®ā•±ā•­ā”³ā”ā•Æā”£ā”ā”ā”³ā•®ā•±ā•­ā•®ā”ƒā”ƒ ā”ƒā•­ā”ā”ā”«ā•°ā•Æā”ƒā”ƒā”ā”«ā•­ā”«ā”ƒā•±ā”ƒā”ƒā•­ā•®ā”ƒā•­ā•®ā”ƒā”ƒā•±ā”ƒā”ƒā•°ā•Æ ā”ƒā•°ā”ā”ā•‹ā•®ā•­ā”«ā”ƒā”ā”«ā”ƒā”ƒā•°ā”ā•Æā”ƒā•°ā•Æā”ƒā•­ā•®ā”ƒā•°ā”ā•Æā”ƒā•­ā•® ā•°ā”ā”ā”ā•Æā•°ā•Æā•°ā”ā”ā”»ā•Æā•°ā”ā•®ā•­ā”»ā”ā”ā”»ā•Æā•°ā”»ā”ā•®ā•­ā•Æā•°ā•Æ ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•­ā”ā•Æā”ƒā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•­ā”ā•Æā”ƒ ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•°ā”ā”ā•Æā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•±ā•°ā”ā”ā•Æ
twitch chat
June 2016

Jared and Jock E-Athelete bullies

twitchquotes: Jared shuffles to his locker wiping a tear from his eye. He looks over his shoulder to see DOM and QT, the jock E-Athlete bullies, laughing at him and his wedgie. Jared clinches his fist in rage knowing that soon the time would come, he will show them...
twitch chat
May 2016

Boosted Animal Jared

League of Legends

Only one cure to the memes

twitchquotes: there's only one cure to the memes FeelsGoodMan ĢæĢæ ĢæĢæ ĢæĢæ Ģæ'Ģæ'\ĢµĶ‡ĢæĢæ\ there's only one cure to the memes FeelsGoodMan ĢæĢæ ĢæĢæ ĢæĢæ Ģæ'Ģæ'\ĢµĶ‡ĢæĢæ\
twitch chat
May 2016
I used to be a real ad

Jared thought he was back with the crew

twitchquotes: Jared, jumping for joy at the site of an easy victory with QT thought he was back with the crew. Little did he know QT was devising a cunning plan to demote Jared back to Diamond 3. Boom, like a shot in the dark, an instant 4 man surrender stole the wind right out of Jared. Jared glanced over to his 9mm, knowing one day he will have his chance to right these wrongs.
twitch chat
April 2016

Boosted Animal Jared

League of Legends

Jared we need to talk, are you boosted?

twitchquotes: "Jared we need to talk" said QT sitting down at the table. "We think you have a problem" said Dom. " are you boosted?" they asked in unison. Jared began to break down and cry as he looked at his D3 account. "I dont think I'll ever get to play with you guys again unless I do" said Jared. "Quit being a *** pussy" said Dom and QT as Jared eyed the glock on the table next to them.
twitch chat
April 2016

Boosted Animal Jared

League of Legends

QTPie's journal

twitchquotes: QTPies Journal; These streamers are afraid of me. I've seen their true face. Diamond 2 is an extended gutter and the gutter is full of trash. And when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin, like Dom and Jared will drown. The accumulated filth of all their missed flashes and low mechanic champions will foam up around their waists and all the annie mains and boosted monkeys will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll whisper "No."
twitch chat
April 2016

Boosted Animal Jared

League of Legends

It's 2094 and Jared still can't get back to challenger

twitchquotes: It's the year 2094 jared still can't get back to challenger. Qt and dom have trolled him in every promo he has played for the past 80 years. FeelsBadMan
twitch chat
April 2016

Boosted Animal Jared

League of Legends

Qtpie, this is your dad here

twitchquotes: qtpie, this is your dad here. i just wanted to say how proud of you i am son, always hiding in your room playing your video games, talking to your internet friends. your mom and i think that's swell and we just wanted to let you know we love you. pls no copy dadderino
twitch chat
March 2016

League of Legends

Waiting for adblock to be disabled

Only have pudding for lunch...

twitchquotes: FeelsBadMan ĢæĢæ ĢæĢæ ĢæĢæ Ģæ'Ģæ'\ĢµĶ‡ĢæĢæ\ only have pudding for lunch, so I'm pudding myself in the ground FeelsBadMan ĢæĢæ ĢæĢæ ĢæĢæ Ģæ'Ģæ'\ĢµĶ‡ĢæĢæ\
twitch chat
March 2016

The feel when your favorite streamer is a feeder

twitchquotes: FeelsBadMan THAT FEEL FeelsBadMan WHEN FeelsBadMan YOUR FeelsBadMan FAVORITE FeelsBadMan STREAMER FeelsBadMan IS A FEEDER FeelsBadMan
twitch chat
March 2016

League of Legends

200 word essay due

twitchquotes: 200 word essay due tomorrow and I'm here watching qtpie EleGiggle
twitch chat
March 2016


QT's stream ends, so does my life

twitchquotes: FeelsBadMan Ģæ' Ģæ'\ĢµĶ‡ĢæĢæ\ qt's stream ends, so does my life FeelsBadMan Ģæ' Ģæ'\ĢµĶ‡ĢæĢæ\
twitch chat
March 2016


I used to be a real ad

Gaming retirement home

twitchquotes: @Imaqtpie, I hear there is a gaming retirement home if you're looking for round the clock support. It's called TSM house EleGiggle
twitch chat
October 2015

League of Legends

Text-to-Speech Playing