[Copypasta] Equal rights equal fights

I (15M) was walking from school to home today and a girl (15F) kicked my leg. So yeah I was walking to home today and that bitchass girl kicked my leg. It didn't hurt too much it was more like a fly landing on me as my super muscly body protected me. But anyway, as a person that believes in gender equality I punched her a lot harder with my super muscly manly man fists and knocked her out, kidnapped her to my school's chemistry lab at night, then with my super smart brain I composed HCl (hydrochloric acid for those uneducated inferior peeps) with my super chemistry knowledge. I then dipped her in my glorious acid just like any gender equality believing sigma male would. Equal rights equal fights my dear superior reddit using sigma male friends.
May 2022
I used to be a real ad
More Copypastas

Kripp after the power outage on December 21, 2013

twitch chat
May 2014

A man was spotted coughing in his apartment in Lego city

A man was spotted coughing in his apartment in Wuhan city. Start the acetylene torch. HEY! Build the acetylene torch. Lock him up in his apartment. Weld the door shut. And censor the media. The new events that didn't happen from Wuhan city. (sets not available in China)
December 2020


Lego City


Just a feller out on the farm

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March 2019


If any of you copy and paste this you will be in serious trouble

twitchquotes: αΆ¦ ˒ʷᡉᡃʳ α΅—α΅’ α΅α΅’α΅ˆ αΆ¦αΆ  ᡃᢰʸ α΅’αΆ  ΚΈα΅’α΅˜ α΅α΅’α΅—Κ°α΅‰Κ³Κ³αΆ α΅˜αΆœα΅α΅‰Κ³Λ’ αΆœα΅’α΅–ΚΈ α΅ƒαΆ°α΅ˆ ᡖᡃ˒ᡗᡉ α΅—Κ°αΆ¦Λ’ ΚΈα΅’α΅˜ Κ·αΆ¦αΆ«αΆ« ᡇᡉ αΆ¦αΆ° Λ’α΅‰Κ³αΆ¦α΅’α΅˜Λ’ α΅—Κ³α΅’α΅˜α΅‡αΆ«α΅‰
twitch chat
April 2014


Spooky skeleton

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November 2014


Text-to-Speech Playing