[Copypasta] Doinb is a Saudi professional League of Legends player

Muhammed "Doinb" Al-Qahtani is a Saudi professional League of Legends player who currently plays for Saudi pro team Allah warriors based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He's currently also working as an oil technician at Saudi Aramco and is looking for a Petroleum engineering job at an Oil company
September 2021

League of Legends

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LCS, aka "Literally Cannot Sidelane"

twitchquotes: LCS, aka "Literally Cannot Sidelane", is Riot's premier Wildcard region held in the saltiest continent and denoted as such, NA. It is ridiculed for its poor international performance and macro, favouring the "NARAM" style.
twitch chat
February 2020

League of Legends

I hope Tahm wins xD

twitchquotes: I hope Tahm wins xD OSFrog I’m a Tahm main and he’s just so fun ! OSFrog People get so trolled by the Q damage, and his voice lines are so alpha like when he talks about his tongue LOL OSFrog He’s super random but also stronger than he looks, just like Sneaky xD OSFrog
twitch chat
September 2020

League of Legends

It was dinner time in the Cloud Nein Gamer house

twitchquotes: It was dinner time in the Cloud Nein Gaymer house. Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi dishes up a steaming plate of pasta when he realizes he forgot the meat. William “Meteos” Hartman looks up from his plate with a gleam in his eye. “I got the meat right here for you baby.” Lubing up with Marinara Sauce, Meteos begins to pound his sausage into sneaky’s lightly buttered dinner roll. With a scream of delight Meat-eos releases his load calling an end to another successful team dinner.
twitch chat
July 2015


League of Legends

Doublelift: I don't make many mechanical mistakes

twitchquotes: I'm really confident that we'll be the way better bot lane. (Laughs) I see games where G2's bot lane is 100 CS down, losing tower, and getting killed 2 vs 2. I can't remember any games like that for us. CoreJJ and I don't make many mechanical mistakes and I think we play a lot cleaner in general. -- Doublelift 2019
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May 2019
Riot Games

League of Legends

Doublelift looks nervous as he hands over the money

twitchquotes: Doublelift looks nervous as he hands over the money. "Is this enough?" he asks. Marc Merrill looks at him and laughs "QT is in for another soloQ special
twitch chat
February 2017

League of Legends

Text-to-Speech Playing