[Copypasta] Is buttcheeks one word

twitchquotes: Is buttcheeks one word, or shall I spread them apart?
twitch chat
June 2020
What happened to this ad? :(
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only a real human being can buld a prper face

twitchquotes: 👁 👃 👁 only a real human being can build a proper face 👄
twitch chat
May 2017

I miss the old Tyler, SoloQ troll Tyler

twitchquotes: I miss the old Tyler, SoloQ troll Tyler. Not playing other ADCs Tyler, run it down mid Tyler. I hate the new Tyler, the never rude Tyler, family friendly streams Tyler, the too polite Tyler, meta slave Tyler, this is the worst Tyler. I miss the Toxic Tyler, Draven one trick Tyler, 420 burst Tyler. I gotta say, at that time I'd like to feed Tyler.
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November 2018

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The true glory of Moonmoon's improvised story-telling

twitchquotes: Wow. Just wow. After witnessing the true glory of improvised story-telling as presented by MOONMOON_OW, my life has changed to such a degree that I am no longer able to sleep soundly, knowing that there are people out there who are still trying to do just as good. It is no surprise; the god gamer, also a god roleplayer, is truly astounding with his ability. - Barrack Obama
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May 2019

I hope Yuumi wins

twitchquotes: I hope Yuumi wins. I am a Yuumi main. I love cats, and my parents tell me I'm a parasite, so we have a lot in common. Yuumi might not be able to flash, but it lights up my life and heart. Go Yuumi!!!!!!
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July 2020

League of Legends

Angry Kirby

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