[Copypasta] 69 is so funny

twitchquotes: 69 is so funny. Whenever I hear it, I just burst out laughing. I run out into the living room and grab the Tv remote. I start flicking through the channels. “You guys, it’s so funny, you’ll laugh so hard!” I can barely get it out as I’m laughing so hard, banging the table and snickering while I flick through the TV channels. I finally get to The CW, and the number 69 is on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen! My family and friends who were over all stand up in tremendous applause, and my wife and children come back from upstate to be with my comedic genius!
twitch chat
April 2020
(▀̿Ĺ̯├┬┴┬┴ Psst... kid, you wanna disable adblock?
More Copypastas

Donald Trump vs Biden

Approximately 15 people have died from COVID within the first 10 MINUTES of Biden’s presidency. Compare that with former president Donald Trump, where there was not a SINGLE death in the first 1,125 days of his glorious reign. Not convinced? Trump created approximately 72813% more jobs in HALF of his FIRST TERM than Biden has during in his ENTIRE time as president. The numbers don’t lie Liberals 😏👌🏼
January 2021

2020 US Election

I hope Tahm wins xD

twitchquotes: I hope Tahm wins xD OSFrog I’m a Tahm main and he’s just so fun ! OSFrog People get so trolled by the Q damage, and his voice lines are so alpha like when he talks about his tongue LOL OSFrog He’s super random but also stronger than he looks, just like Sneaky xD OSFrog
twitch chat
September 2020

League of Legends

xqcLook emote

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April 2021

Gru and Spongebob fanfic

August 2021




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February 2021

Among Us / Amogus

Text-to-Speech Playing