[Copypasta] Jack and Jill went up the hill

twitchquotes: Jack and Jill went up the hill🗻🏞 So Jack could lick her candy 🍭🍬 🅱️ut Jack got a shock😳🙌💯 And a mouthful of cock👄💦🍆 Cause Jill’s real name is R🅰️ndy 😈
twitch chat
March 2020
I used to be a real ad
More Copypastas

Imposter broke into my house!

So yesterday I was eating with my family when all of a sudden a “crew mate” broke in through the front door. He had a ski mask on and a gun which was sus, but he a good skin. My father told us all to hide so we don’t get killed by the obvious imposter. I could see him from my hiding spot under the table and he looked sus. So I told my dad “DAD YOU THINK HE IS THE IMPOSTER? HE IS SUS!” I yelled as loud as I could. The imposter found us hiding and shot my father five times. The imposter was so dumb, who kills someone in front of crew mates? I ran to call the emergency meeting by grabbing my phone off the table when I heard my mother get shot and scream for me. Lol she was so bad at among us. My teammates sucked and were dying to the worst Imposter. So I called the emergency meeting and for some reason a S.W.A.T team rammed down the door and killed the imposter. Lol that’s not how the game goes, I think they were hacking.
April 2021

Among Us / Amogus

You have been presented with superior intellect

twitchquotes: ———————————————————————— TwitchVotes You have been presented with superior intellect. Type 5Head to activate————————————————————————
twitch chat
March 2019


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February 2019

This channel needs to hire some proper mods

twitchquotes: This channel needs to hire some proper mods. Chat is just filled with idiotic people spamming mindless copy pastas who cant engage in intelligent conversation about the game being displayed. Its a step back in evolution in my opinionss
twitch chat
January 2019

I hate Twitch Chat

Hello Mr Kripp, I Am Master Diamond Rank 1 In Kosovo

twitchquotes: Hello Mr Kripp, I Am Master Diamond Rank 1 In Kosovo. My Skills Are Getting Stronker And I Wish To Join Team "TMS". My Land Has Endured Many Harsh Winters And My Cow Died Last Fall. I Am How You Say, "Hard In A Place," And Am Looking to One Day Be Best At Heartstone For My Mother Says I Have The Heart Of The Carderinos.
twitch chat
August 2015


Text-to-Speech Playing