[Copypasta] Boomer anthem

twitchquotes: Please😳 rise 😎 for the 🤨 national 🏁 anthem 🎶 of boomers 🤪 🎺🎺🎺 Video Games 🎮 cause violence 😡👊🏼, Phone 📱 bad 👎, book 📚 good 👍 I hate 😒 my wife 👰 Pause ⏸️ the Fortnite 🥇 please 😤 Funny 🤣 Facebook 😜 minion 🤭 memes 🤪
twitch chat
November 2019

Emoji Pasta

I used to be a real ad
More Emoji Pasta Copypastas

If my girl and my fidget spinners are both drowning

twitchquotes: If my girl👧😍 and my fidget spinners 💯🔥 are both drowning🌊😦 and I could only save one😄☝️️ you can Catch me letting it spin at my girls funeral😅👻💀 Cause it's fidget spinner or catch a fade 🙏👊
twitch chat
May 2017

Emoji Pasta

Fidget Spinner


twitchquotes: It's EXAM WEEK 😤😤 and it's TIME ⏱⏱ to WHIP OUT 😯😯 your EDUCATION ERECTIONS 🎒📚🍆🍆 and FUCK THESE FINALS 🤣🤣😉😉. That's RIGHT, get READY to BOOTYCALL 🍑📞 your SLUTTY STUDY BUDDIES 😏😏 and HIT 👊👊 the BOOKS 📘📗📙till your BRAIN 🧠🧠 is RUBBED RAW 😫😫 and your PEN 🖊🖊is DRY 😵😵. So let's put the CUM in CUMULATIVE 💦💦 and do this THING 🙌🙌. Send this to 11 of the SKANKIEST 🤤🤤 SCHOLARS you know or you will LITERALLY get F'D! 😱😱
twitch chat
December 2019

Emoji Pasta

have you ever had a dream like this?

have you 👉🏿 ever 😠 had a dreams 😴💭- thats ✔- that you 👉🏻👤 uhm 😤 you 👈 had you 👈- you 👈 could- you 👈 do what you 👉 want 😍- you 👈 could do- so you 👈👦- you 👈 do- you 👈 could do you 🤖👈- you 👸👉 wan 🔑- you 👸👉 want 😋 him 👴 to do so much 🔥 that you 👉 could do anything 💰?
April 2021

Emoji Pasta

joe biden said he was the impostor

I 👁 met joe biden at 👸💦 3 🎆🕑 am 👏 he said 💬🖕 he was the 🐄🤛 impostor guys ♂ should 👌👫 i 👆 believe 🏻 him 👨😩 im 🏼 soo scared ❌ i dont 😡 know 🤔❓ what to 👁🚶 do 👌 help 💁 me 💋 out. 🤔
July 2021

Emoji Pasta

A fine capitalist girl

twitchquotes: I may be✊ a communist 🚩⚒⭐️ but if i see👀 a fine 💯👌😩 capitalist 💰🇺🇸 girl 👱‍♀️ you bet😤🙌 imma be tryna seize 👐 the means of dat booty 🍑🍆💦💯
twitch chat
April 2019

Emoji Pasta

Text-to-Speech Playing