[Copypasta] I miss the old Tyler, SoloQ troll Tyler

twitchquotes: I miss the old Tyler, SoloQ troll Tyler. Not playing other ADCs Tyler, run it down mid Tyler. I hate the new Tyler, the never rude Tyler, family friendly streams Tyler, the too polite Tyler, meta slave Tyler, this is the worst Tyler. I miss the Toxic Tyler, Draven one trick Tyler, 420 burst Tyler. I gotta say, at that time I'd like to feed Tyler.
twitch chat
November 2018

League of Legends

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More Tyler1 Copypastas

Professional headmeat physician

twitchquotes: ce: Hello Tyler, this is Dhanraj Ameer, the professional headmeat physician, thank you for contacting me last week. My team and I have been looking at x-rays of your skull and we are interested in a procedure that involves taking the head meat from the sides of your head and using it to fill in the dent in the middle. Due to the severity of your head meat slabs this procedure only has a 10% likelihood of success due to the extreme invasiveness the slab removal will take. Let me know
twitch chat
July 2019

Tyler fatigue from nutrient deficiencies

twitchquotes: @loltyler1 your lack of fruit intake is not the reason for your deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals, namely Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin D3. If you are deficient in these you can experience fatigue, brain fog and low testosterone levels. Zn is found in great amounts in red meat and oysters while Mg is found in leafy greens. If you are unable to eat these foods, I suggest buying a Chelated Zinc and a Magnesium Glycinate supplement. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
twitch chat
February 2019

Hi Tyler, this is the riot balance team

twitchquotes: Hi Tyler, this is the riot balance team contacting you due to your expertise in the game known as League of Legends. We wanted to invite you here, to riot studios, to singlehandedly write the code for the next big patch, rebalancing the game anyway you want! we know youre a much better player, coder, and balancer of games than we are. Thank YOU T1!!!
twitch chat
April 2018

League of Legends


twitchquotes: Z OO MIN , IN THE FOreign ⛽️🚓GOt thE enGINE ROARIN 🚗 ⛽️Z OO MIN , IN THE FOreign ⛽️🚓Z OO MIN , IN THE FOreign ⛽️🚓GOt thE enGINE ROARIN 🚗 ⛽️Z OO MIN , IN THE FOreign ⛽️🚓Z OO MIN , IN THE FOreign ⛽️🚓GOt thE enGINE ROARIN 🚗 ⛽️Z OO MIN , IN THE FOreign ⛽️🚓Z OO MIN , IN THE FOreign ⛽️🚓GOt thE enGINE ROARIN 🚗 ⛽️Z OO MIN , IN THE FOreign ⛽️🚓Z OO MIN , IN THE FOreign ⛽️🚓GOt thE enGINE ROARIN 🚗 ⛽️Z OO MIN , IN THE FOreign ⛽️🚓
twitch chat
March 2018

Tyler1 is a hard stuck attack-damage carry

twitchquotes: LoLTyler1, also known as the most renown athletes in the American game of football and collegiate participants, is a hard stuck attack-damage, a role found in the monolithic video game, League of Legends. Tyler1 specializes in fields such as sports, academia, and banter. Though Tyler is self-proclaimed to be, quote, “alpha as fuck”, he often cannot pronounce most of the words that his chat uses. Such mispronunciations include this particular instantiation of this current message..
twitch chat
March 2018

League of Legends

Text-to-Speech Playing