[Copypasta] Imaqtpie's daily routine

twitchquotes: BrokeBack wait 20 min for queue BrokeBack spam ads BrokeBack start game BrokeBack feed all game BrokeBack say "wow we lost that" BrokeBack spam ads BrokeBack repeat for 8 hours BrokeBack
twitch chat
November 2018

League of Legends

I used to be a real ad
More imaqtpie Copypastas

Me name is Kowak and I are from Poland

twitchquotes: Hi me name is Kowak and I are from Poland. Sorry for me bed England. I works in a shop, and i only earn a little money. So to afford an computer i had to selled me girlfriend. But I cant play LOL? Me heard that someone say something about internett, but what is internett? Ples help me poor human from poland. And no copy pasterino trollerino
twitch chat
December 2014

Jared thought he was back with the crew

twitchquotes: Jared, jumping for joy at the site of an easy victory with QT thought he was back with the crew. Little did he know QT was devising a cunning plan to demote Jared back to Diamond 3. Boom, like a shot in the dark, an instant 4 man surrender stole the wind right out of Jared. Jared glanced over to his 9mm, knowing one day he will have his chance to right these wrongs.
twitch chat
April 2016

Boosted Animal Jared

League of Legends

Ripperoni Pepperoni dude

twitchquotes: βœ“I'm just gonna shove this shit out βœ“ *I'm pretty strong right now* βœ“ *FUCK man* βœ“ *NO SMALL CAT THOSE ARE MY RIBS* βœ“ *I love it dude* βœ“ *Epic nice dude* βœ“ *Just gonna go shop* βœ“ Did that really fucking hit me? βœ“ Ripperoni Pepperoni dude βœ“.
twitch chat
March 2015

Derpo Spamu-desu

twitchquotes: Hello my name is Derpo Spamu-desu, I am the last spamurai ........... if you wanna be part of this ancient japanese tradition spam your ascii and troll texts all over twitch. May the spam be with you! ▬▬ι═══════ﺀ
twitch chat
January 2015

200 word essay due

twitchquotes: 200 word essay due tomorrow and I'm here watching qtpie EleGiggle
twitch chat
March 2016


Text-to-Speech Playing