[Copypasta] I hate myself and my life

twitchquotes: I hate myself and my life, but instead of improving either of those things, I'm drinking alone while watching a rich, balding vegan play children's card games for 15 thousand other losers FeelsBadMan
twitch chat
July 2018


What happened to this ad? :(
More Kripp Copypastas

KRIPP PLEASE delete hearth arena

twitchquotes: KRIPP PLEASE delete hearth arena and pry their dirty leeching talons from your spine. that app is complete trash and the only reason the meta is the way the meta is, is because literally every drooling fucking noob uses that app and just mindleslly picks whatever cards they recomend. DELETE that SHIT and start forging a new meta with your skill and creativity. you have a high IQ but you arent fucking using it. youre being sapped kripp
twitch chat
February 2019


Salt Down Zone

twitchquotes: Attention: Thank you for coming to Kripp Aryan's show! The greatest show on Earth! Please, those of you in rows 1-8 must be aware you are in the "Salt Down Zone". If you do not want to be sprayed with salt, please see attendant. We have complimentary ponchos. Enjoy the show!.
twitch chat
April 2015

Hitler messages Kripp

twitchquotes: Hey Kripp how's it going, Hitler here. I've heard rumors that you've been MUTING your mic whenever our Nazi propaganda wagon drives through the area! As punishment for your crimes, you will forward some of your Colombian drug funds as tribute to my good friends working at Google+ to restore the Third Reich to its former glory.
twitch chat
July 2014


twitchquotes: โ˜‘ Veganism โ˜‘ Poverty โ˜‘ Refugees โ˜‘ No Guns โ˜‘ Bad Teeth โ˜‘ High Prices โ˜‘ Allahu Ackbar โ˜ Relevant in 2016 โ˜‘ High Tax โ˜‘ Low Wages โ˜‘ No Freedom โ˜‘ EU TEST PASSED
twitch chat
June 2016

EU vs NA

Feels good to be a pleb

twitchquotes: Kappa FEELS Kappa GOOD Kappa TO Kappa BE Kappa A Kappa PLEB Kappa
twitch chat
June 2015

plebs vs subs

Text-to-Speech Playing