[Copypasta] C9 is losing the team fight on the point uncontested

twitchquotes: LEARN PLAT CHAT! C9 is losing the team fight on the point uncontested during overtime But alot of players now say C9 when they WIN a point and losing the fight when the time runs out.
twitch chat
May 2018


I used to be a real ad
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Nothing says high octane Overwatch like reaper and mei

twitchquotes: I'm so glad they forced the meta to change from GOATS. We finally get to see the dps stars shine. Nothing says high octane Overwatch like reaper and mei, thank you so much plat chat!
twitch chat
August 2019


Switch Hanzo's stormbow to scatter

twitchquotes: I'm new to Overwatch so sorry if I sound like a noob but... does anyone know how to switch Hanzo's stormbow to scatter? I want to use what the pros use. Thanks!
twitch chat
May 2018


Please give me an All-Access Pass

twitchquotes: I’m a gamer school girl, so, i need money for my college, which is why i can’t by this All-Access Pass. But i hope someone can give me one of them. It means so much for me
twitch chat
February 2019


I officially hate Twitch

twitchquotes: I officially hate Twitch. I worked so hard all day to make a copy pasta that would take the OWL by storm. But no one is considerate enough to copy it with me. Maybe I should just spam J LUL K E like the rest of you sheep
twitch chat
March 2018


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