[Copypasta] DAPPER NO

twitchquotes: smallcat why are you so small FeelsGoodMan mellow why are you so cute FeelsGoodMan Lisha i love you FeelsGoodMan DAPPER NO FeelsBadMan
twitch chat
July 2017
(▀̿Ĺ̯├┬┴┬┴ Psst... kid, you wanna disable adblock?
More imaqtpie Copypastas

The focus of a champion

twitchquotes: Sometimes I think the stream froze, but nope. Its just Michael Santana staring into the monitor and mouth breathing while remaining perfectly still. The focus of a champion.
twitch chat
July 2017

League of Legends

Black and white filter feature for League of Legends

twitchquotes: Hi Imaqtpie, I've noticed that recently you've been using the black and white filter™ feature for league of legends for nearly the entire game. Me and everyone else in the chat would appreciate it if you turn it off, thank you.
twitch chat
April 2015

League of Legends

Twitch Chat Examination Team

twitchquotes: Hello this is the Twitch Chat Examination Team here with anther experiment. We are testing how quickly a message typed into chat is copied and pasted by the mindless hordes. Please, if you're reading this, spread awareness for our cause.
twitch chat
March 2015

I deserve challenjour

twitchquotes: qt how do i get out of elo hell ive been bronze 5 for 3 years now i main janna adc and i build 5 spirit visages but i keep dying to the golems even when i use smite i know i deserve challenjour so pls help me out senpai masteronii
twitch chat
February 2015

League of Legends

Mr Qtpie apepars to be a boosted bonobo

twitchquotes: monkaS ☝️ I-I hate to point this out mr qtpie b-but you appear to be a boosted bonobo monkaS 👉
twitch chat
February 2017

League of Legends

Text-to-Speech Playing