[Copypasta] Your copypasta is not good enough

twitchquotes: If you are posting the same copypasta more than once every few minutes, it means that your copypasta is not good enough to be self sustaining, and therefore is subpar. Either step you game up, or just gtfo and let real chat experts do their work.
twitch chat
September 2015
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More Reynad Copypastas

When chugging RedBull™ I have more energy to stream

twitchquotes: When chugging RedBull™ I have more energy to stream. When my friend drank the competition's Monster energy drink he literally died. RedBull™ however keeps me full of energy and ready to stream. RedBull™ RedBull™ RedBull™
twitch chat
May 2015


Reynad the Saltnosed Streamer

twitchquotes: ʕ ͡◊ ͜◉ ͡◊ ʔ Reynad the Saltnosed Streamer, had a very Salty Nose. All of the other Streamers laughed and used to call him names. BibleThump Then one salty Krippmas Eve, Forsen came to say, "Reynad with your salt so bright, won't you topdeck my sleigh tonight?" Then all Streamers loved him as they jerked off with glee, Reynad the Saltnosed Streamer, you'll go down in history! ʕ ͡◊ ͜◉ ͡◊ ʔ
twitch chat
December 2014


A spare I guess

twitchquotes: Hey Reynad, I bought two bundles of asparagus today. I only needed one but the other can be 'a spare i guess'.
twitch chat
January 2015

How will this affect my propain?

twitchquotes: hey reynad, gril here, i am sad to say that i have a leak, how will this affect my propain?
twitch chat
July 2014


twitchquotes: ヽ༼Ὸل͜ຈ༽ノ HOIST THY DONGERS ヽ༼Ὸل͜ຈ༽ノ
twitch chat
April 2015
Text-to-Speech Playing