[Copypasta] Dear Reynad, I've really grown to appreciate the rivalry between you and Amaz

twitchquotes: Dear Reynad, I've really grown to appreciate the rivalry between you and Amaz. However with the recent Supreme Court allowing the two of you to finally wed, I worry that it wont continue. Please assure me that this classic rivalry will continue... KappaPride
twitch chat
June 2015
What happened to this ad? :(
More Reynad Copypastas

Only the chosen can ride this beautiful elephant

twitchquotes: PogChamp only the chosen can ride this beautiful elephant RNCelephant
twitch chat
August 2016

Ruski Constituski

twitchquotes: HELLO CHAT. My NAME Sergei Copypastavich from Russia. You all steal my family name and violate copyright law 459.53 of Ruski Constituski. I sue all of you and me and Putin laugh and play in pile of twitch monies. As they say in amarica F*CK To YOU, Pay to me!!
twitch chat
November 2014

The salt from your stream sucked the venom out of my wound

twitchquotes: Dear reynard. I was hiking in the Amazon Rainforest the other day when I was bit by a snake. Miles from the nearest city, I thought my life was over as the venom slowly spread across my body. But then I used my 4G to open twitch and the salt from your stream sucked the venom out of my wound and saved my life. Thanks Reynad!
twitch chat
November 2014

RNGesus who art in Hearthstone

twitchquotes: RNGesus who art in Hearthstone, Random be thy game. Thy random come, Thy turn be done, on Azeroth as it is in Hearthstone. Give us this day our daily quest, and forgive us our misplays, as we forgive those who queue as hunter and lead us not into fatigue but deliver us from zero. For thine is the random, and the mulligan, and the topdeck, always yet never, Ameno.
twitch chat
May 2016


Fulfill my dreams of being an industrial vacuum

twitchquotes: Hello Reynad, big fan here trying to fulfill my dreams of being an industrial vacuum for constipated hospital patients, any tips on sucking ass?
twitch chat
January 2015
Text-to-Speech Playing