[Copypasta] I am a manager for many twitch celebrities

twitchquotes: Hello Kripp, I am a manager for many twitch celebrities. If you hire me I can arrange for your n***s to be as easy to google as the Hafu noodles. This will increase traffic to your channel by at least 50%. Your Welcome in advance, peace. Kappa Kappa 420 Kappa
twitch chat
January 2015
What happened to this ad? :(
More Kripp Copypastas

Please pray for Kripp's ears

twitch chat
January 2015

Can you guys stop typing 'misplay'?

twitchquotes: Can you guys stop typing 'misplay'? We know Kripp is not the best player and he might be a bit slow in the head, but stop pointing out the obvious by typing 'misplay' over and over.
twitch chat
November 2014

I just spotted an inconsistency

twitchquotes: Wait a minute. I just spotted an inconsistency. Could this be the work of the CIA? Look closely... below the stream. "10,000 viewers". What the heck? There's only 7 million people in the world, how could there possibly be 10 million viewers right now?
twitch chat
November 2014

Tired of getting Sniped?

twitchquotes: Tired of getting Sniped? No problem! Here at Sniper Deflectors™ we can shield your Arena Queue from incoming Snipers with our new patent-pending SniperShield™ Technology! Our shield will bounce incoming sniper shots right back to the sniper-guild recruiter (definitely not DRIVEZY), causing them to effectively Snipe themselves! Buy 24/7 protection now for only $24.99/month!
twitch chat
August 2017


All becoming SELLOUT

twitchquotes: When SPONSORED, my hand goes automatically in my pocket. I feel the texture of the dollars and I feel I have sex with the sponsor. All becoming SELLOUT
twitch chat
April 2016


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