[Copypasta] This is the police!

twitchquotes: This is the police! Get your dongers in the air f***ers - you have been caught red handed. Stop with the copy paste right now or we will be forced to use Police Brutality. Don't try to get away with it by copying this and impersonating us!
twitch chat
November 2014
What happened to this ad? :(
More imaqtpie Copypastas

Welcome to the Pleb Club

twitchquotes: ༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ Welcome to the Pleb Club. Here's your VIP ticket for being a Pleb: ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮ ༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽
twitch chat
April 2015

plebs vs subs

The feel when your favorite streamer is a feeder

twitchquotes: FeelsBadMan THAT FEEL FeelsBadMan WHEN FeelsBadMan YOUR FeelsBadMan FAVORITE FeelsBadMan STREAMER FeelsBadMan IS A FEEDER FeelsBadMan
twitch chat
March 2016

League of Legends

This is the police!

twitchquotes: This is the police! Get your dongers in the air f***ers - you have been caught red handed. Stop with the copy paste right now or we will be forced to use Police Brutality. Don't try to get away with it by copying this and impersonating us!
twitch chat
November 2014

Feed in every game

twitchquotes: As Michael "imaqtpie" Santana sat shivering on the cold pavement, Lisha, who happened to be passing by, decided to share a loaf of bread with him. He wanted to share her kindness, and so he decided to feed in every game henceforth.
twitch chat
April 2015

I answer all of qt's questions he is asking himself

twitchquotes: my mom always asks me who I am skyping with, cause I answer all of qt's questions he is asking himself, am I weird?
twitch chat
August 2014
Text-to-Speech Playing