[Copypasta] DrDisrespect C V paste

I get the whole meme thing, right? Like the whole meme, meming thing? But like, to be the person sitting in chat and going "C- uh, c v, paste..." 5 seconds later, "Hehe, c v, paste! Hehe! Oh, I got someone else copying and pasting the same thing that I did so c v, paste again! Paste it, paste it all day! Oh, theres four or five that are pasting the same thing! Hehe, I got- I should start my own website of spammers! C v, copy paste!" Like- I can't imagine.. h- like the brain sitting in that head.
August 2021
I used to be a real ad
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DrDisrespect C V paste

I get the whole meme thing, right? Like the whole meme, meming thing? But like, to be the person sitting in chat and going "C- uh, c v, paste..." 5 seconds later, "Hehe, c v, paste! Hehe! Oh, I got someone else copying and pasting the same thing that I did so c v, paste again! Paste it, paste it all day! Oh, theres four or five that are pasting the same thing! Hehe, I got- I should start my own website of spammers! C v, copy paste!" Like- I can't imagine.. h- like the brain sitting in that head.
August 2021

Can we stop bullying Doc???

twitchquotes: Can we stop bullying Doc??? He is a hard working man, he needs to feed two families.
twitch chat
January 2022

DrDisrespect's announcement

Hey guys. uuuuuh... I kinda have a little bit of an announcement, I just wanna be completely transparent with you guys, as you guys know I have a beautiful family, and a wife, and kid. And I wanna be transparent that I've been unfaithful, and I'm probably going to be taking some time away, t-time off, to focus on... Stupid fucking mistakes man
June 2019

DrDisrespect zoomed in

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July 2020


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July 2020
Text-to-Speech Playing