[Copypasta] Hello Kripp, I am Pappargoth the Ancient

twitchquotes: ╭(◕◕ ◉෴◉ ◕◕)╮ Hello Kripp, I am Pappargoth the Ancient, an Alien from the Planet Hardcore. We sent you to Earth, where your hardcore-ness would conquer the planet. We see you have failed in the mission and become casual.
twitch chat
May 2015
What happened to this ad? :(
More Kripp Copypastas

Please stop posting these unnecessarily long posts

twitchquotes: Can you all just stop posting these unnecessarily long posts please? The only reason you post them is to try and bait someone into copy and pasting them. What if we all just gave interesting views and opinions about the stream instead of posting useless stuff? Please I beg you twitch chat, to stop with this nonsense.
twitch chat
July 2014

You kids call that a copypasta?

twitchquotes: You kids call that a copypasta? What do you whippersnappers even know about shitposting? You just go to that Twitch Quotes website and copy any kind of crap that is posted there every minute. Well let me tell you: back in my day, we used to craft our own copypasta by hand, full of love and care, using only the freshest memes from Kripp's stream, then shared it with everyone. We didn't simply copy any crap that appeared on our screens. And don't even think of copying this you lazy millenials.
twitch chat
October 2018

Ruining my twitch chat experience

twitchquotes: You guys are ruining my twitch chat experience. I come to the twitch chat for mature conversation about the gameplay, only to be awarded with kappa faces and frankerzs. People who spam said faces need medical attention utmost. The twitch chat is serious business, and the mods should really raise their dongers.
twitch chat
April 2014

Please fulfill my dreams Kripp

twitchquotes: Kripp, this is Alnilamlol - I am a long time viewer and you never brofisted me when i subbed 1 year ago BibleThump - please fulfill my dreams kripp .. Please .. BibleThump
twitch chat
December 2014

Dear Kripp, This is Twitch CEO Dick McPeenballs

twitch chat
November 2014
Text-to-Speech Playing