[Copypasta] Why are people so against copypasta?

twitchquotes: I don't understand why people are so against copypasta and memes in twitch chat, what kind of "intellectual" conversation are you going to see with 10,000+ people all typing at once.
twitch chat
December 2018
I used to be a real ad
More Copypastas

Scary WutFace

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October 2019

Forsen banned

twitchquotes: Twitch streamer Forsen was banned on May 8th for a misleading stream title "ranking up" when playing Valorant. Twitch strictly forbids false advertisement from streamers on its platform. It's unclear when Forsen will be unbanned but no one watches a washed up streamer anyways.
twitch chat
May 2020

Last night I shoved live gerbils in my ass for the first time. AMA

July 2022


Response to "who asked?"

I don't care if you "didn't ask". The world does not revolve around you and I can say whatever the fuck I want, and I could not care less if you didn't ask so shut the fuck up. This is why you are lonely and everyone leaves you.
August 2021

Who Asked?

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January 2022
Text-to-Speech Playing