[Copypasta] It's Team Rocket COPYPASTE!

twitchquotes: It's spamming at you loud and clear. Through the Chat! Past the mods! In your ear! Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace. Dodging bans, putting spam in its place. A troll by any other name is just as sweet. When everything's worse, our work is complete. Copy! Paste! Putting the Twitch admins in their place... It's Team Rocket COPYPASTE!
twitch chat
March 2019
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Called my overweight female friend a heckin chonker today and now she won’t talk to me

My female friend was crying about how fat she was and I was trying to comfort her by telling her that she didn’t look that fat but she kept accusing me of lying to make her feel bad so I thought that saying “maybe your just a heckin chonker” would cheer her up and lighten the mood but she just looked at me and left. I hope she realised that I was only being nice and that she is being irrational.
August 2021

fire fox is sus

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June 2021

Among Us / Amogus

LS, aka "Lucian Senna"

LS, aka "Lucian Senna", is the most boring top lane match up that is often ridiculed for it's low interactivity, freezing and questionable skill expression. It is especially notorious for endless lane pushing and cheater recall abusing. It is often played by a low platinum solo-queue 130 BPM LCS costreamer.
March 2021


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October 2021

The giant salt monster known as Kripp

twitchquotes: All this salt has formed into the giant salt monster known as Kripp. For all the salt of the ocean can not keep him at bay. Blame RNG and lose! Then go to cast another player cause you can't play. The salt is real, the salt is kripp, and thats why he losses.
twitch chat
January 2015
Text-to-Speech Playing