[Copypasta] Where can I find the NA skins

twitchquotes: 4Head Hey Chat! 4Head I noticed most teams 4Head have skins for their region 4Head SKT for Korea 4Head FNC for Europe 4Head And apparently IG 4Head will be getting some for China 4Head Where can I find 4Head the NA skins 4Head
twitch chat
March 2019
Riot Games

League of Legends

EU vs NA

I used to be a real ad
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I was talking about TSM

twitchquotes: My mom just entered my room and asked me to stop watching garbage. I told her that League of Legends was a respectable esport with millions of player around the world. She responded: “I know. I was talking about TSM, they’re trash” KEKW.
twitch chat
October 2020
Riot Games

League of Legends

Big shoutout to NA LCS

twitchquotes: Big shoutout to NA LCS. My mother has sleep anxiety problems, but on weekends she sleeps like a bear. All I ask of her is to watch 10 minutes of NA LCS.
twitch chat
July 2015
Riot Games


League of Legends

EU vs NA


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twitch chat
April 2019
Riot Games

Rhyme Chant

League of Legends

Sodium is named NA in honor of the saltiest region on earth, North America

twitchquotes: Sodium, atomic number 11, was first isolated by Humphry Davy in 1807. A chemical component of salt, he named it Na in honor of the saltiest region on earth, North America.
twitch chat
October 2014
Riot Games



EU vs NA

Text-to-Speech Playing