[Copypasta] I think YouTube rewind 2018 was a masterpiece!

twitchquotes: I think YouTube rewind 2018 was a masterpiece! It perfectly encapsulates the spirit of 2018 and the super funny memes we had this year such as fortnite dances, baby shark, dame tu cosita, k pop, and more! I especially like the part with everyone jumping out of the bus in the sky! That was so cool it looked so real. Thank you YouTube for making my year and reminding me of the awesome funny memes!!!
twitch chat
December 2018
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Hello Mr Kripp, I Am Master Diamond Rank 1 In Kosovo

twitchquotes: Hello Mr Kripp, I Am Master Diamond Rank 1 In Kosovo. My Skills Are Getting Stronker And I Wish To Join Team "TMS". My Land Has Endured Many Harsh Winters And My Cow Died Last Fall. I Am How You Say, "Hard In A Place," And Am Looking to One Day Be Best At Heartstone For My Mother Says I Have The Heart Of The Carderinos.
twitch chat
August 2015


Don't mind me, just ripping the fattest clouds

twitchquotes: O 0 o VapeNation Don't mind me, just ripping the fattest clouds
twitch chat
April 2016


I am coming back from my 10 minute ban

twitchquotes: I am coming back from my 10 minute ban, and I want to say that I think it was bullshit. Yes, I wrote a funny paragraph that turned into copypasta, which happened to bring a laugh or a smile to a few people. If you mods wanted that to stop, you could have just said so, there is so much copypasta going on in this chat that I could have never thought that deserved a 10 minute ban. Reggie is probably a mod in here and he is the one that banned me. Anyway, I'm glad to be back
twitch chat
April 2021



Look, kid. You wanna give up?

twitchquotes: Look, πŸ‘€ kid. πŸ‘¦ You πŸ‘ˆ wanna πŸ™ˆ give πŸ‘‰ up? πŸ”Ί Fine. πŸ‘Œ But πŸ‘ you πŸ‘ˆ didn't 🚫 get πŸ”Ÿ here πŸ‘ by 😈 giving 😘 up. πŸ”Ί You πŸ‘ˆ didn't 🚫 get πŸ”Ÿ this πŸ‘ˆ far 🌌 by 😈 giving 😘 up. πŸ”Ί You πŸ‘ˆ didn't 🚫 get πŸ”Ÿ all πŸ’― these πŸ‘ˆ followers, fans, admirers, and πŸ‘ hot πŸ”₯ groupies by 😈 giving 😘 up. πŸ”Ί Don't 🚫 give πŸ‘‰ up. πŸ”Ί You're πŸ‘‰ the πŸ‘ champ. You're πŸ‘‰ the πŸ‘ boshy.
twitch chat
September 2017

My poop story

twitchquotes: My poop story. I lived in a dookie (pun on purpose) apartment complex in a college town, literally $300 a month, on a river in the south. So a small and always very high maintenance team worked for them. They showed up (stoned) and were changing everyone’s filters. Heard. Ok come in. I had a particularly funky little caesars pizza not an hour before the incident. We were making small talk and such as these things tend to linger, I suddenly felt a disturbance in my lower gut (bubbleguts). I felt confident in my distance from the maintenance guy that I got squeeze out a fart and then distract him into another room. This was no fart. At slightest bit of effort I put towards this fart a flood of terrible pizza diarrhea shot out of my ass like a goddamn rocket. As I was staring this man in the eye. I was staring another human being in the eyes...while I pooed my pants. To this day not only do I have no clue if he knew or not but I would still pay thousands of dollars to just see my face when that happened. That is my poop story.
twitch chat
June 2019
Text-to-Speech Playing